About Susie Lee
(Owner & Bodyworker)
A bit about me…
The Spiritual path is not being above all the pain and suffering. It is healing so we can ultimately ease into Kindness, Flow, Love of Self and others throughout our whole life.
I am a lover of life, Showing up everyday. I am Soulfully participating and believing in the magic, trusting that life is the miracle.
Knowing each day grants us the opportunities to live as teachers and students on this rollercoaster ride of life school. Where the tears and smiles, joys of today and pains of yesterday, guide us through to the treasures of our now and the Grace of our tomorrows.
I am here to serve and live as love would have me.
I'm a healer, offering my gifts through the practices of yoga, mindfulness, meditation, bodywork and spiritual mentoring.
I am certified and practiced in all my offerings. I’ve studied and continue to study with great teachers known and unknown.
I am always becoming!
Lots of love & Blessings,
Susie Lee